Albuquerque New Mexico
We arrived at Enchanted Trails RV Park and Trading Post on April 24th (Sunday). The drive was only 200 miles, nice and easy. It is intriguing how the land changes as we are driving. Started out flat with tumble weeds, changes to small shrubs, then changes to bluffs, but it is all desert and brown. The buildings are mostly stucco with that familiar pinkish mauve color. The traffic and pace of life in Tucumcari was slow and nice; hardly any traffic and the people all know each other, like a Nebraska farming town. However, it did a 180 in Albuquerque. People want to drive fast, don’t say hi, ect. I guess it is the life of the big city.
The RV Park is very cool. Lots of old time stuff inside the club house. They have five old time campers out front, time frame around 1950’s. There is a barn in the back with all kinds of signs and a pyramid of hub caps that lights up at night. Neat place!

We went to the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center on Monday. The Museum and exhibits talk about the 19 Pueblos of New Mexico from ancient times to the present. While there we watched a traditional Indian dance. We also ate lunch at the dinner which serves traditional Indian food. Had a little kick to it!

Also on Monday we visited “Old Town.” Old Town’s narrow streets and century-old adobe houses are home to New Mexican eateries serving enchiladas and sopaipilla pastries, and tiny artisan shops selling jewelry, rugs and pottery. Old Town Plaza is a charming spot overlooked by 18th-century San Felipe de Neri Church. Nearby, the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science has dinosaur skeletons, while the Albuquerque Museum displays Southwestern art. Rene’e bought some jewelry. When I was a kid my parents took us on vacation and we went to Old Town. I only remember my mom buying a black hanging lantern. We bought her some ear rings, she should like that.

Over the past couple of weeks Jake, one of our dogs, had a external growth start near his rear-end and it was growing fast. We called several veterinarians in the area and they were all booked up; there is a shortage of Vets here. So we went to an Emergency Animal Hospital on Tuesday and had it removed. It was a day long process. He is ok, will need to get the stitches out on 10-14 days so will need to find a vet in Williams AZ. If I never told you, if you plan to travel like we do don’t bring your pet(s). We did because we already had the two dogs but if we didn’t we wouldn’t. They will have health issues and if you want to sight-see you can’t leave them in your RV for a long period of time. We have a temperature monitor in the RV that we can check remotely to make sure the heater or air conditioners are working while we are away. We love them, but they are a burden on the road.

That evening we went over to the Indian reservation, about 7 mile West of our camp ground and got some food from the 66 Pit stop, home of the famous Laguna Burgers. Not real healthy but good eating.

On Wednesday we went to the ABQ BioPark Botanic Gardens and Aquarium. Nice place but it has been here for a while and they are re-working some of the areas. Had some flowers and such but still early in the year for a full bloom.

On Thursday we went to the Sandia Peak Tramway. Wow, some great views. If you are agfraid of heights or don’t like roller-coasters you may want to reconsider going. Rene’e got a little sea sick.

Also on Thursday we went to the Unser Racing Museum (indy car). Very nice museum. Well done inside, very cool!

By the way, if you own an RV and don’t inspect your rubber roof you may be in for a rude awakening. I inspect it every week or so and this last time I found a small cut. As you can see it is only the size of a dime but water had infiltrated it and left a 12″ diameter swollen plywood area. Added a Eternabond tape patch and good to go.
Well, that’s it for Albuquerque, it’s Friday and time to get ready to pull out in the morning. Need to do laundry, go get fuel for the truck, and find a place to eat out tonight so we won’t have dishes to do. Heading to Holbrook Arizona and to the Petrified Forest next week.
Catch you later!