Fort Harrison, Helena Montana

July 10th, 2022

We left Grizzly RV Park in West Yellowstone on Tuesday the 5th after the activities on the 4th that included a burger, pie, a parade, and fireworks that evening which were free for the town.  It was a fund day, not too many people, small town, and plenty to do.

Arrived at Fort Harrison, a National Guard base that reminds me somewhat of Wendel H Ford Regional Training Center near Central City.  The buildings are similar, atmosphere, etc.  This fort has been here for a long time. 

From Wikipedia: “It was authorized by a Congressional act of 12 May 1892 which was intended to establish, as a part of a greater consolidation program, concentrations of troops in a few larger installations so that smaller installations could be abandoned. The post was first named Fort Harrison after the sitting President of the United States, Benjamin Harrison, on 13 December 1892.  Some years later on 16 February 1906, the name was changed to Fort William Henry Harrison because it was discovered that there had already been an Army fort named for Benjamin Harrison in Indianapolis, Indiana. Fort William Henry Harrison was first garrisoned with troops from Fort Assinniboine near Havre, Montana 23 September 1895. These initial troops were withdrawn in 1913.

Fort William Henry Harrison’s most famous contribution during the 20th century was its 1942 use as the organization and training area for the U. S. Army’s 1st Special Service Force, a joint World War II American-Canadian light infantry brigade made famous by the 1966 book, The Devil’s Brigade, co-written by Robert H. Adleman and George Walton, and The Devil’s Brigade, the 1968 American war film.” 

We were lucky to be here during the 80th Anniversary of the FSSF (First Special Service Force) where they conducted a parachute jump.

Click here for some photos of the base and the jump…

During out stay here I noticed that the drivers side, rear tire of the camper was not wearing evenly and the passenger side same, but not nearly as bad. Found the clip that holds the leaf springs together on the drivers side had broken and fallen off causing the leafs to fan out about an inch. So, jacked up the trailer, let the load of the rear axle, straighten the leafs, added some hose clamps hoping they will hold, re-torqued the spring to the axle, and ordered two new tires to be delivered at our next stop. Will see how things go. Always something.

On to East Glacier Sunday, staying at a KOA, not too far from the Canadian boarder.
