Gulf Shores Alabama, part 3 of 3

Well, it is the end of February and the weather is turning for the better. We are now at 70-80’s for the high with a bright and hot sun, and 50-60’s for the low. During the day we run our air conditioner and during the evening sometimes we run a small electric heater. Its too windy to put out our awning, the wind blows here 5-15 MPH just about every day. It is interesting that the Blue Herons, Pelicans, and other birds are basically gone. Not sure why, maybe it is because the gator showed up. His name is Stewart and is a local attraction. The traffic is picking up as the newly arrived “Spring Breakers” come in. Some folks come here in December and leave end of Feb to avoid the new crowds. We are leaving March 20th.

The fog is weird. Some days it rolls in at 2pm and at other days it is there in the morning. Regardless, it is thick and makes for some cool photographs.

Click on an image to make it larger…

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The Gulf Shores State Park has a trail to an Eagle watching area. There use to be two eaglets but now there is only one and it is getting big.

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Mach 1st is Fat Tuesday, the official start of Marti Gras. There are parades all over the place. We went to the Gulf Shores Parade via our electric bikes.

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We visited the USS Alabama over by Mobile AL the other day. Very cool! I could spend all day there in the depths exploring. The smell is something you will never smell any other place and you won’t forget it…. oil, paint, and rotting rubber. We visited the USS Missouri when we were in Hawaii several years back and the ships are similar with the 16-inch guns and with the same smell. The sailors that maned these ships are no different than us today, the difference was their technology/equipment but they still had the same feelings, same dedication to our Country, etc. If you think about it that way it was not long ago that the USS Alabama was cruising the Oceans.

Click on an image to make it larger…and check out all five pages.

Rene’e loves dolphins so we went on a “Dolphin Cruse.” It was ok, we saw a lot of dolphins but none were jumping out of the water in our wake. Still, a good adventure.

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It was Rene’e and mine 40th Anniversary March 11th. I am surprised she has put up with me for so long, haha.

In about a week will be packing up and getting ready to leave on March 20th. We head back to Bowling Green KY for a couple of weeks, then head out West. See you then!