Our Trip from Gulf Shores back to Kentucky

We left Gulf Shores on a Sunday (March 20th) and headed to Montgomery Alabama to stay at Gunter Hill campground. The weather was great and the drive was good. The beach life was nice but we miss the woods and sun with no wind, which Gunter Hill provides. We travel with our normal plan… stop after about an hour at a rest area and eat a small lunch. We usually get those carrots/cheese/ranch dressing lunch things from Walmart, a pudding cup, and a pop, about all we need. Then on the the next stop which might be another rest area or our destination, depending on how far it is. We try not to travel over 300 miles a day. This is a photo of our rest area/lunch stop.

Gunter Hill COE (Corps of Engieers) RV Park is great. Most COE parks do not have full hookups but Gunter Hill does. It is quiet, not real big and the sites are l.o.n.g and there is lots of room between them. Most COE parks are next to a body of water and Gunter Hill is next to the backwaters of the Alabama River.

We left Gunter Hill on Tuesday (March 22nd) and headed to Huntsville Alabama where we stayed at the Redstone Arsenal Military base. Nice campground, all paved, full hook up sites. We were only there for one night so we did not unhook the truck from the camper. Next on to Defeated Creek Tennessee.

We arrived at Defeated Creek a little early (1pm) for their opening day, checkin is not until 3:00pm. They had us park in the boat ramp parking lot as they had a water break they were just finishing up repairing. Got the site, Kenny and Angie (camping friends) were already there. Nice to see them.

Had a scare while there. About 4:00am Saturday Angie came and pounded on our door yelling “help, Jeff, Help!” Rene’e woke me up, put on my pants and headed to their camper. The door was wide open, did not know what I was going to find. Went inside and Kenny was having a seizure. Called 911 and they took him to the emergency room. Could not find anything wrong. The came back to the campground a few hours later and we devised a plan to get their camper back to BG as Kenny could not drive. I would drive it, leaving Rene’e and our camper where it sat. Then a couple of other friends of ours, Larry & Patricia, drove me back to Defeated Creek. Little scary but it all worked out, Kenny is seeing a doc to get his head straighten out… may take a while, haha.

Arrived in Bowling Green on March 27th, planned to be here a couple of weeks. Had a lot to do, modify the truck for Renee’s new electric wheelchair, install new hitch, doctors appointments, camper maintenance, etc. That Monday we went to see Taylor (grand daughter) play in a band concert, she plays the base clarinet and is really good. Then later on in the week we went to Clair’s birthday party (anther grand daughter).

On one of Renee’s doctor appointments she had to have blood drawn. They called up a few hours later and said her hemoglobin was low, go to the emergency room. We did and because of Covid and the blood shortage they said no transfusion and to go home. She had her blood again tested at another doctors appointment at Vanderbilt a few days later and they called, said to go to emergency room. We did and they gave here three units of blood (we were they for two days, no sleep). Vanderbilt wanted to make sure she was not bleeding inside so we extended our stay in BG for a week and she had an upper-GI and colonoscopy done which came back normal. Her blood counts have always been low due to here liver disease but now we have to watch it closer.

Had a lot do to in a short amount time, next year we plan to stay in BG for three weeks with another week as a buffer getting these types of things complete before our summer road trip, maybe it won’t be so stressful.

We headed to Memphis on Friday April 15th for our summer long trip out west. More to come, stay tuned!