Gunter Hill, Redstone, & Bowing Green

We left Gulf Shores Alabama on March 30th and headed to Gunter Hill COE Campground in Montgomery AL, about 200 miles. It was a great day for travel, sunshine and 75 deg with not much wind. We cruised at about 65-70 mph. It is interesting how our attitudes change instantly with location. In Gulf Shores we were there for three months, not camping, but living; its different! We ate out at seafood restaurants, attended gatherings with friends, shopping, etc., those things you would normally do while living in a house. However, once we got to Gunter Hill we converted to Camping. Its beautiful here, quiet, birds singing, campfires, in the woods. Camping for sure.

On Sunday April 2nd, we headed to Redstone Arsenal Army Base. Not much to report here except that they add about 25 more RV spots. The area still gives me the willies… abandoned paved roads, sidewalks, grass overgrown… I wonder what was here, maybe WWII buildings? I did stop by the bike shop where the person I bought the Greenspeed trike from bought it. Had a good visit with the owner about trikes and how disabled folks use them.

Our next stop was Defeated Creek Corps of Engineer campground. We camped with friends for several days. It rained a lot but the temperature was not bad.

We arrived at the KOA in Bowling Green on April 9th. I spent most of the next four weeks working on both our trikes. Added fenders, new tires, etc. I also installed an electric motor on the Greenspeed. Rene’e worked on her Pine Needle Basketry and made a basket for each of our kids. She is getting really good at it. More doctors appointments, hair cuts, dog appointments, etc.

We leave for Lexington KY on May 8th for our three week trip to Ohio and back. Doing some trike riding, Ham Radio stuff, visit my parents, then head for BG.