Holbrook Arizona (Petrified Forest)

May 1st, 2022

Desert, it is everywhere. Tumble weeds all over, caught in our RV steps, tires, fences, etc. Its hot during the day and 40’s at night. The wind… what can I say, it blows all the time and it blows hard. Most days 20-30 mph with 40 mph gusts with dirt & sand pounding your skin. Its dry and our lips are cracked… would I live here, no, but it is so beautiful.

We arrived at the OK RV Park on Saturday April 30th. The area is known for petrified trees, animals, shark teeth, and other similar things. When we pulled in we went to the office to check in and there were two fallen trees near by that had been petrified. It was so cool, gave me goose bumps. The park itself is a little different. Every other site is opposite. One pulls in one way and the other pulls in the opposite way; because the hookups for each of two campers are in the same area. The sites are tight but long and all gravel and level. It is a little pricey but the area attractions allow them to get away with it.

click on an image to make it larger…

On Sunday we went to the Meteor Crater near Winslow AZ. As the rim is raised in this flat land it was very windy and some trails were closed. Considered one the the 7 wonders of the World the crater is 50,000 years old, 1-mile across, 700 feet deep, and had an explosive force greater than 20 millions tons of TNT.

Click here for some photos…

On Monday we went to the anticipated Petrified Forest. What a strange and different place… in the middle of nowhere… and just amazing! Trees from the prehistoric times turned to rock all over like it was yesterday. Rene’e got her electric wheelchair out and cruised some trails. We had a blast.

Click here for more information and photos…

Then on Tuesday we visited “Jim Gray’s Petrified Wood Co.” in Holbrook. Really neat place for of all kinds of petrified wood, rock, jewelry, ect. We got a few things for the kids and Rene’e bought a necklace.

Click on an image to make it larger…

That’s it for Holbrook, on to Williams Arizona tomorrow and the Grand Canyon.
