Redstone Arsenal and Gunter Hill Alabama

We left Bowling Green on December 29th. We were going to leave on the 28th but the weather was not cooperating; it was going to be too cold and our camper pipes would freeze while driving. We are taking the same route with the same campgrounds as we did last year; works good. It was a rainy and windy drive to Huntsville Alabama where we stayed on the Redstone Arsenal Army Base. The campground there is nice, large concrete pads, full hook ups, and easy in/out. We were there for two days and did not do much due to the rain. But, before we left we have to eat at El-Mazatlan Mexican restaurant as we knew there were not any really good Mexican restaurants in Gulf Shores, so, Rene’e and I had lunch there the day before.
After our stay at Redstone we headed to Montgomery Alabama to stay at Gunter Hill Corps of Engineers campground. Again, a very nice place, but with more of a “camping” atmosphere. The campsite was 80′ long, very nice and very unusual. We stayed here for three days. We ate barb-b-que at Jim ‘N Nick’s, always a good choice, and went to get some pecans at the Wood Pecan Company. They have all kinds of pecan related items there and we found some sugar free candy coated pecans that were really good. The weather warmed up some but still rainy with some fog.
On to Gulf Shores for three months.